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Profiles matching practice Patents (General)

BILL H. ZHANG   Managing Partner, Registered Attorney-at-law, Trademark Attorney, Patent Advisor
member since 30 Apr 2010    
This profile has been verified (more info)
specialization: unknown
languages:English (fluent), French (fluent), Chinese (fluent)
experience: 5 - 10 years

Borsam Intellectual Property
member since 24 Sep 2010
size: 20 - 50 attorneys
Borsam is a full service intellectual property law firm in China dealing with prosecution, litigation, transaction, and consultation services relating to Patents and Trademarks with experienced and sp...

China Sunbow & Associates
member since 30 Apr 2010
size: 20 - 50 attorneys
It is a firm of outstanding capabilities, keen intellects and extraordinary desire to deliver superior and unparalleled legal services with more emphasis on Chinese intellectual property and commercia...

KE LE   Experienced Intellectual Property Strategist
member since 12 Dez 2007
specialization: EE, Signal Processing, Networking, Audio/Video processing, Consumer Electronics
languages:English (fluent), Chinese (fluent)
experience: more than 10 years

Xianmo WANG   Mr. WANG is a highly skilled and experienced patent attorney with a marked client-orientation.
member since 22 Nov 2006    
This profile has been verified (more info)
specialization: Drafting patent application documents, patent litigation and preparing legal opinions.
languages:Chinese (fluent), English (fluent)
experience: more than 10 years

China Sinda Intellectual Property Limited
member since 5 Feb 2007
size: 100 or more attorneys
China Sinda is a well established Chinese IP firm of a size to rival any boutique IP firm in the US. Located only meters away from the Chinese Patent Office in Beijing, the firm can file patent appli...

Cherry LIN   An IP litigator and former patent judge
member since 29 Nov 2006    
This profile has been verified (more info)
specialization: Intellectual Property Litigation
languages:English (fluent), Mandarin (fluent), Chinese (fluent)
experience: more than 10 years
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